Madeleine Dean tweeted the following:
"And beyond this, we MUST do more to bring down the cost of higher education, so its accessible to ALL.Like, tuition free community college including career and technical combined with interest-free loans."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Madeleine Dean:
"Delighted with the Presidents work.As a former professor, I saw how student loan debt was a barrier to students.This is historic targeted relief for those claiming an education, as we continue to recover from the pandemic.Promise made, promise kept.People over politics."Read on Twitter
"Alright, alright, Sprinkles or Jimmies?" on Aug. 20Read on Twitter
"Happy Saturday! Can you all settle a small family debate? Do you get your ice cream with or without Jimmies? Cleary, my grandson is all about Jimmies" on Aug. 20Read on Twitter