Christian School of York
Recent News About Christian School of York
Congratulations to the 7th graders in Mrs. Martin's homeroom who won the Old Testament Books of the Bible competition!
Congratulations to the 7th graders in Mrs. Martin's homeroom who won the Old Testament Books of the Bible competition!
A HUGE THANK YOU to the many CSY families who contributed to the sock collection during our Season of Love giving event in February.
A HUGE THANK YOU to the many CSY families who contributed to the sock collection during our Season of Love giving event in February.
3rd Annual Clay Shot on September 25
3rd Annual Clay Shot on September 25.
Register for RXfundraising
Every time you make a purchase at Rite Aid you can support CSY too!
CSY's Peek-a-boo Preschool
Christian School of York recently issued the following announcement.CSY's Peek-a-boo Preschool program is coming back!